Friday, July 1

Are you served?

Few words about me, I'm pretty much an average Joe. I do have dreams and goals in life, invite me for a coffee and I'll tell you all about them. However, what I can tell you right now is that I love eating. In fact, most of my good memories are about food. I remember my grandma’s dishes, my mother’s pineapple cake, fruits on my backyard and many other sweet mementos. Thus, the idea behind this blog is to share my personal experience around food. You will follow my breadcrumbs trail all over the world and read about my gluttony’s sins wherever I go. Enjoy my little confessions and welcome. In the meantime, may I serve you anything?


  1. This is such a nice idea for blogging! I love food (vegetarian, please :) Good luck! I am happy to be first official sinner ;)

  2. Grazie mille Dragana! It is nice to have a celebrity as a sinner here :) Looking forward to our meeting in Croatia. So, you can tell me about your trip around the world. Do not worry, it will have plenty of vegetarian and vegan options here as well.

  3. No meu prato que mistura de Natureza!
    As minhas irmãs as plantas,
    As companheiras das fontes, as santas
    A quem ninguém reza...

    E cortam-se e vêm à nossa mesa
    E nos hotéis os hóspedes ruidosos,
    Que chegam com correias tendo mantas
    Pedem «Salada», descuidosos...,
    Sem pensar que exigem à Terra-Mãe
    A sua frescura e os seus filhos primeiros,
    As primeiras verdes palavras que ela tem,
    As primeiras coisas vivas e irisantes
    Que Noé viu
    Quando as águas desceram e o cimo dos montes
    Verde e alagado surgiu
    E no ar por onde a pomba apareceu
    O arco-íris se esbateu...

    (Alberto Caeiro)
